
Hi, and welcome to the blog of Brandon & Katherine’s excellent adventure! We plan to be ‘unplugged’ while hiking, but will upload photos and updates when we hit towns — about once a week or every two weeks.

We hope to hit the trail around March 11th. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the “Who we are,” “Why we’re hiking,” and “Made possible by” sections above.

Stay tuned!

8 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. looking forward to vicariously experiencing the joy & beauty of nature from the safety and comfort of my own home! GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!!!

  2. I found your blog via Mountain Crossings at Walasi-yi’s Facebook page. Can’t wait to follow along with you. I go camping every year at Abol Bridge campground, and you are in for an amazing view of Mount Katahdin when you get there! Good luck on what is sure to be a life-changing adventure for both of you!

    • Hey Sara! Thanks for checking out the blog! George, Logan and all the folks at Mtn Crossings are basically our heros 🙂 Hope you have some fun outdoor adventures yourself this spring and summer! Happy trails

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